Solving the biggest crime in American history? Ha! Can people even agree upon what IS "The Biggest Crime In American History?" Well anyone who was directly victimized by an extremely large-scale crime may be tempted to claim that "The Biggest Crime In American History" is the one that victimized him or her. The reasonable thing to do would to tend to agree with that person until he or she is proven wrong. Well then, after economic analysis and other expert techniques finally determine which crime really is the biggest in American history, the fun part begins.
Does society rely upon the polictical process to help lead the way towards solving the Crime. As a practical matter, we must first realize that politicians, the political process, and governmental officials have been, are, and will continue to be among those who are at the fore-front of actually committing some of the biggest crimes in American history. How can the biggest crime be committed without the involvement of government corruption. It probably cannot. Let's add some illegal lobbying activity by multi-national corporations and military contractors; along with "public-private partnerships" that contain ethical loopholes that a cruise ship could sail through, and you now have the witch's brew for serving up "The Biggest Crime In American History."
Okay, let's rely upon the social networking internet websites to lead the charge to purify our society. There's Black Planet, delicious, Facebook, LinkedIn, Meetup, MySpace, Newsvine, Ning, Ryze, StumbleUpon,, Twitter, Vox, Wikipedia, and Yelp, just to name a few of the leading sites. With a lot of hard work, a lot of imagination and creativity, and even a lot more luck, a person could begin to steer other eyeballs associated with these sites to his or her location on the sites or to his or her stand alone website(s) which are ground-zero for the Cause.
Solving the biggest crime isn't something that can be done during a summer vacation. We have to be prepared for the long haul. Can advertising commissions and other types of revenue be earned from our little piece of the real estate on these sites and on our stand along websites? Are we prepared to develop reputations for being experts in the subject matter that we will focus upon for attracting eyeballs in the first place. I fancy myself of using "World of Warcraft" topics and other computer-games topics to not only attract the rabid fans and, and develop an "expert" gamer reputation for myself, but I also intend to inprove my knowledge about gaming by 3000%. Can you begin to imagine how World of Warcraft, Entropia Universe, Dream of Mirror Online, Runescape, Final Fantasy, Guild Wars, MapleStory, Lineage 2, Silkroad Online, Eve Online, can each RELATE to identifying and solving "The Biggest Crime In American History?"
I also am interested in writing screenplays and producing movies. I could begin a movie by showing a journalist being bribed by the usual suspects. Along with money, he is given the directorship of a new media center and media department at one of the top universities in the nation. So, now, there will be crusading graduate students unsatisfied with the management of the university's endowment. There will be recent graduates seeking to make a name for themselves. There will be more established professors jealous of being passed over by the young whippersnapper. And of course there are the VICTIMS of the "The Biggest Crime In American History." ALRIGHT-LET SHOW THEM WHAT WE ARE MADE OF!!!!